Nethelands: New plan against "honor" crimes

The Dutch parliament supports Minister Verdonk's new plan to combat "honor" related crimes.

The general approach is to combine everything related to "honor" crimes into one project. The first step is a pilot project by the police corps in Haaglanden. The police there have conducted research into the topic and want to integrate it into every policeman's training.

The plan also includes minority and community organizations that will get funding for projects that will break the "taboo around 'honor' crimes". (I'm not sure what the taboo here is.. what should be broken is the fact that it's accepted). More attention will also be given to the education system and to make schools more aware of the problem.

Verdonk is supposed to hand in bi-yearly reports to the Parliament, with the first one planned for September.

Source: Trouw (Dutch)

See also: Keeping count of "honor" murders, Holland: money for illegals suffering from "honor" crimes, The disgrace of honor murders

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